The FNBBAA AGM for 2023 has been postponed until Tuesday 30th January 2024, due to unforeseen circumstances. More information will be provided via email prior to the meeting reschedule date.
First Nations Bushfood and Botanicals Alliance Australia
The only First Nations owned and led peak body dedicated to protecting the integrity and authenticity of sovereign foods & botanicals igniting first nations culture as an asset.

Our New Logo Acknowledgement
The New FNBBAA logo was inspired by Rayleen Brown, Chairwoman of FNBBAA and Elder of the Ngengiwmirri. With deep consultation and guidance from the FNBBAA board our logo was developed to reflect our six seasons, sustainability, provenance and permission as well as a respect for the produce of our country.
To be the national peak body for the Australian First Nations Sovereign Foods & Botanicals sector establishing a benchmark Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP), Intellectual Property (IP) Intellectual Knowledge (IK) provenance and compliance which for the first time extends to a full value chain model from Country to Consumer.
To promote, organise and extract value from the Australian Sovereign Foods and Botanicals sector for the shared benefit of First Nations Community, Culture, Country and people.
First Nations Bushfood & Botanical Alliance Australia (FNBBAA) acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and the Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge the Creator of all our Nations for providing us with Country that has cared for us across millennia by providing us with the sustenance, shelter, medicines, and stories that have ensured we survive and thrive. We acknowledge the pain of the removal and theft of our people and how when we came home, Country was there. Country remembered us, healed us and nurtured our resilience. We are still here.
Our New Logo Acknowledgement
The New FNBBAA logo was inspired by Rayleen Brown, Chairwoman of FNBBAA and Elder of the Ngengiwmirri. With deep consultation and guidance from the FNBBAA board our logo was developed to reflect our six seasons, sustainability, provenance and permission as well as a respect for the produce of our country.
Our sacred knowledge is the new science
The value of 65,000 years of continuous storytelling shared orally, through song, dance, art and craft from our ancestors is a priceless Cultural asset of sacred and shared knowledge with immutable continuity and significant commercial opportunity. Now as the value is rediscovered it is critical to claim our first right to the commercial opportunities.
FNBBAA technology, policy and partnerships strive to ensure the value of First Nations storytelling in the Sovereign Food & Botanicals industry. This includes culturally appropriate methods for compliance with Indigenous Cultural & intellectual Property (ICIP) standards. Meeting the respected obligations of free, informed, and prior consultation for consent. And ensuring the commercial value created and extracted throughout the entire sector value chain is fairly distributed for the shared benefit of community, country and the future of our culture.

65,000 years +
We invented it
For millennia we have practiced our cultural connection to Country. We have scanned the landscape with ancestorial wisdom and learnings to track and trace the movements of animals and understand the story of seasonal plants. We have walked the songlines of Country and practiced balance for sustainability.
FNBBAA is the only peak body working at the intersection of our traditions for Tracking with new technologies for Traceability that converge proven global standards like GS1 and Geographical Indicator data with local language, story and community provenance that extends from country to consumer.
We’ve developed methods to ensure consumers are fully aware of the source and the journey the ingredients and products they are buying have taken as well as where the benefits are directed.
It’s in our nature
For over 2500 generations our traditional systems informed by our Elder wisdom has exemplified 21st century scientific principles of Sustainability and Regenerative practice.
FNBBAA recognises sustainability is important for the nourishment of our country, culture, people and spirits as well as for productivity and meeting the desires of the increasing numbers of Conscious Consumers.
This harmony has been extended into our programs to meet scientific and consumer demands for Carbon accountability, methods for emissions improvement and measures to mitigate inadvertent emissions throughout the entire Sovereign food and Botanicals sector value chain.
FNBBAA is collaborating on country with First farmers and landowners to develop sustainable models for the growth of Indigenous species. We’re working to optimise member harvests and accessibility through a National network of hubs. These hubs are designed as collaborative spaces for the processing, storage, production, packaging and the delivery of Sovereign food and botanicals products whilst mitigating Carbon emissions and providing research and development.

2500 + generations

We’re keeping up with the modern Kitchen
As one of the fastest growing consumer categories in retail, grocery and hospitality, Sovereign Foods & Botanicals are poised to meet the desires of increased consumer demand.
FNBBAA is leading the drive for extended and faster research and development for an ever widening range of species and ingredients both for national and domestic compliance as well as to protect the methods, integrity and ICIP of our native foods and botanicals.
The development of programs which increase speed to market, capture first mover advantage for our members and then protects their investment, will allow our members to take advantage of the sectors growth and global value.
By doing this we will be able to account for the re-investment of the value our foods and botanicals create back to the communities, reinvigorating our culture and acknowledging the people from where it came to close the gaps and make improvements for everyone at the point of origin.
Closing the Gaps
The path from country to consumer is long for all our members at any stage of the journey.
FNBBAA is investing in Pathways and infrastructure that will reduce the perils for First Nations entrepreneurial growth in the sector. By establishing strong measures for traceability and compliance that both protect and enable our First Nations first rights to sovereign foods and botanicals at every stage of the value chain, FNBBAA aims to ensure equitable sharing of the value created amongst all participants.
Working to reduce the frictions in the sector FNBBAA believes the value benefits will increase proportionately for re-investment across the membership portfolio.

Collaboration Embraces Differences
Adopting a proprietary model to assess First Nations ownership is an inclusive practice rather than an exclusive one. It is central to the integrity of our industry that we can clearly identify First Nations certified business ownership. We welcome all allies to our membership recognising the importance of unity. Allies must be genuinely committed to supporting First Nations self-determination in the sector and able to demonstrate this in their actions and business practices.
By collaborating openly in a fair and transparent industry we can collectively ensure the ethical and appropriate presentation of products and services to the consumer. Their trust is paramount for everyone’s benefit and by communicating in an open and honest way they will embrace the integrity and authenticity of the entire Sovereign food and botanicals category for sustainable growth.
Welcome to
The only First Nations owned and led peak body dedicated to protecting the
integrity and authenticity of sovereign foods & botanicals igniting first
nations culture as an asset.